Monday, March 9, 2015

Hetalia and Naruto Shippuden Crossover

I know everyone probably seen this image but I really like it.  But why does America have a gun?  There's no gun in Naruto?!  Or is there???(I missed a lot of episodes so I'm not caught up)

This is really funny! The main cast of Hetalia somehow decided to cosplay as Naruto characters and some are annoyed with the other.  America would obviously be Naruto, he's the hero duh!  Germany does have the same hair style as the character he's cosplaying(I forgot his name).  Russia looks cute as Garaa and France looks funny as Deidera.  Japan looks very annoyed and Italy is so cute as Tobi/Obito.  China, no offence looks more feminine like Haku.  England should really do his hair like Sasuke it looks really good on him!  

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